

 まず、WebPACKを起動したら、メインメニューから「File->New Project...」を選び、通常どおりにプロジェクトを作成します。



 上の図のダイアログが表示されたら、「Design Flow」の欄は「XST VHDL」にします。デフォルトでは「EDIF」になっていることがあるので、注意しましょう。もし間違えてEDIFでプロジェクトを作ってしまっても、後からプロパティーの変更をすればVHDLになるので焦らないでください。 


 WebPACKでプロジェクトを作ったら、次に最初のソースファイルを作ります。デバイス名のところで右クリックをして、「New Source...」を選択します。


 次に、作成するソースのタイプを選びます。「VHDL Module」を選択し、ファイル名を決めます。8文字を超えても大丈夫です。ここではcsync13m_mainとしました。






--                     CSYNC13 Version 1.1
-- Nahitafu's Free-IP
-- Sync generator for standard color NTSC signal Version 1.0
-- Clock frequency 13.500000MHz version
-- (C)Copyright 2000-2002 Nahitafu 
-- see more detail --- http://member.nifty.ne.jp/nahitafu/
-- This can be fitted to XILINX XC9536PC44C , XC9536XLPC44C

library IEEE;

entity csyncmain is
    Port (  CLK : in std_logic;  -- 13MHz
            ENA : in std_logic;
            RESET : in std_logic;
            HPOS  : inout std_logic_vector(9 downto 0);
            VPOS  : inout std_logic_vector(9 downto 0);
            VSYNC : out std_logic;
            HSYNC : out std_logic;
            CSYNC : out std_logic;
            FIELD : out std_logic;
            HD    : out std_logic;
            VD    : out std_logic;
            VBLNK : inout std_logic;
            BLANK : inout std_logic);
end csyncmain;

architecture Behavioral of csyncmain is
    signal HBLNK : std_logic;
    signal HSDOWN : std_logic;
    signal HSUP : std_logic;
    signal VSDOWN : std_logic;
    signal VSUP : std_logic;
    signal CSDOWN : std_logic;
    signal CSUP : std_logic;
    signal H20 : std_logic;
    signal H52 : std_logic;
    signal H84 : std_logic;
    signal H385 : std_logic;
    signal H449 : std_logic;
    signal H481 : std_logic;
    signal H814 : std_logic;
    signal EQDUR : std_logic;
    signal VSDUR : std_logic;
    process (CLK) begin
        if(CLK'event and CLK = '1') then
            if(RESET = '1') then
                HPOS  <= (others => '0');
                VPOS  <= "0000000001";
            elsif(ENA = '1') then
                if(HPOS = 857) then
                    HPOS <= (others => '0');
                    if(VPOS = 525) then VPOS <= "0000000001";
                    else VPOS <= VPOS + 1;
                    end if;
                    HPOS <= HPOS + 1;
                end if;
            end if;
        end if;
    end process; -- CLK

    process(HPOS) begin
        if(HPOS = 20) then  H20  <= '1'; else H20  <= '0';end if;
        if(HPOS = 52) then  H52  <= '1'; else H52  <= '0';end if;
        if(HPOS = 84) then  H84  <= '1'; else H84  <= '0';end if;
        if(HPOS = 385) then H385 <= '1'; else H385 <= '0';end if;
        if(HPOS = 449) then H449 <= '1'; else H449 <= '0';end if;
        if(HPOS = 481) then H481 <= '1'; else H481 <= '0';end if;
        if(HPOS = 814) then H814 <= '1'; else H814 <= '0';end if;
    end process; -- HPOS
    process(H20,H84,H52,H385,H449,H481,H814,HPOS,VPOS,HBLNK,VBLNK,EQDUR,VSDUR) begin
        -- condition of HSYNC up/down
        if(H20 = '1') then HSDOWN <= '1';
        else HSDOWN <= '0';
        end if;
        if(H84 = '1') then HSUP <= '1';
        else HSUP <= '0';
        end if;
        -- condition of VSYNC up/down
        if(((VPOS = 4) and H20 = '1') or ((VPOS = 266) and H449 = '1')) then VSDOWN <= '1';
        else VSDOWN <= '0';
        end if;
        if(((VPOS = 7) and H20 = '1') or ((VPOS = 269) and H449 = '1')) then VSUP <= '1';
        else VSUP <= '0';
        end if;
        --HBLK signal (Horizontal blanking duration , positive logic)
        if((HPOS >= 0) and (HPOS <= 146)) then HBLNK <= '1';
        else HBLNK <= '0';
        end if;
        --BLK signal (Blanking duration , negative logic)
        if((HBLNK = '1') or (VBLNK = '1')) then BLANK <= '0';
        else BLANK <= '1';  
        end if;
        --condition of CSYNC down
        if(H20 = '1' or (EQDUR = '1' and H449 = '1')) then CSDOWN <= '1';
        else CSDOWN <= '0';
        end if;
        --condition of CSYNC up
        if(H385 = '1' or H814 = '1' or (EQDUR = '0' and H84 = '1')
        or (EQDUR = '1' and VSDUR = '0' and (H52 = '1' or H481 = '1'))) then CSUP <= '1';
        else CSUP <= '0';
        end if;
    end process;

    process(CLK) begin
        if(CLK'event and CLK = '1') then
            if(RESET = '1') then
                HSYNC <= '1';               
                VSYNC <= '1';               
                CSYNC <= '1';               
                HD    <= '0';
                VD    <= '0';
                VBLNK <= '1';
                FIELD <= '1';               
                EQDUR <= '1';               
                VSDUR <= '0';               
                --HSYNC trandition
                if(HSUP = '1') then HSYNC <= '1';
                elsif(HSDOWN = '1') then HSYNC <= '0';
                end if;
                --VSYNC trandition
                if(VSUP = '1') then VSYNC <= '1';
                elsif(VSDOWN = '1') then VSYNC <= '0';
                end if;
                --CSYNC trandition
                if(CSUP = '1')      then CSYNC <= '1';
                elsif(CSDOWN = '1') then CSYNC <= '0';
                end if;
                --FIELD trandition
                if((VPOS  =  266) and H449 = '1') then FIELD <= '0';
                elsif((VPOS  =  4) and H20 = '1') then FIELD <= '1';
                end if;
                --VD signal (equal to inverting EQDUR signal)
                if   (((HPOS = 0) and (VPOS = 1)) or ((HPOS = 429) and (VPOS = 263))) then VD <= '0';
                elsif(((HPOS = 0) and (VPOS = 10))or ((HPOS = 429) and (VPOS = 272))) then VD <= '1';
                end if;
                --HD signal
                if   (HPOS = 0)  then HD <= '0';
                elsif(HPOS = 84) then HD <= '1';
                end if;
                --VBLK signal (Vertical blanking duration , positive logic)
                if   (((HPOS = 0) and (VPOS = 0)) or((HPOS = 429) and (VPOS = 263))) then VBLNK <= '1';
                elsif(((HPOS = 0) and (VPOS = 20))or((HPOS = 429) and (VPOS = 282))) then VBLNK <= '0';
                end if;
                --trandition of VS duration signal
                if   (((HPOS = 0) and (VPOS = 4)) or((HPOS = 429) and (VPOS = 266))) then VSDUR <= '1';
                elsif(((HPOS = 0) and (VPOS = 7)) or((HPOS = 429) and (VPOS = 269))) then VSDUR <= '0';
                end if;
                --trandition of EQ duration signal
                if(((HPOS = 0)and(VPOS = 1))or((HPOS = 429)and(VPOS = 263))) then EQDUR <= '1';
                elsif(((HPOS = 0)and(VPOS = 10))or((HPOS = 429)and(VPOS = 272))) then EQDUR <= '0';
                end if;
            end if;
        end if; -- clk
    end process; -- clk
end Behavioral;

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